Frédéric BLATTER received, his architectural degree from the Ecole d'Architecture Paris-Tolbiac (ex UP7) in 1985.
Professional Expériences
2010 / to this day...
Agency of Architecture BLATTER DAUPHINE ARCHITECTURE in Orléans
1994 / to this day...
Agency of Architecture F. BLATTER in Bourges
1990 / 1994 - SCP MANSIAT-BLATTER - Architects in Bourges
1986 / 1990 - SCP FERET-BLATTER - Architects in Bourges
1985 - Agency TAD-SKOCZYNSKI - Architect in New-York
1984 - Prize-winner of the competition restricts " a post office to Vierzon " - in association with J.-C. Feret - Architect to Bourges
1983 - Scenographer with Michel DAY - Paris
1982 - Agency S. LANA - Architect in Montreuil